


It’s actually sad that, at your age, anxiety prevents you from enjoying life to the fullest. ​

What Is Anxiety / Panic Disorder?

All of us have dealt with anxiety on many occasions during our lives. We have palpitations, fear that something will go wrong, fear of failing, racing hearts, sweating, trembling of the body, etc. while we are preparing for a test, before an interview, traveling to the hospital, or having any major procedure.

All these symptoms are temporary, and you can simply control them.
But picture yourself in a situation where you have all of these symptoms all day long and are unable to control them. The term for it is ANXIEY disorder.
These uncontrollably intense, out of proportion emotions cause disruptions to everyday activities and can last for extended periods. The onset of symptoms can occur in childhood or adolescence and persist throughout maturity.

Who Is More Vulnerable?

Someone who, as a child, exhibited extreme shyness or behavioral restraint—an introverted personality.
those who experienced a difficult and demanding early life, an unpleasant upbringing or traumatic events during childhood or adulthood.
A family history of anxiety disorders.
Many physical health conditions, including thyroid disorders, heart arrhythmias, excessive coffee consumption, and drug use, can also cause feelings of anxiety.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Panic attack: Severe episodes of fear that are accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, numbness, palpitations in the chest, and difficulty breathing are known as panic attacks. Some sufferers of panic episodes pass out
These feelings are common in people with panic disorders and often occur at odd times for no apparent reason.
Certain seemingly harmless situations, including driving in traffic, giving a speech in front of an audience, or taking medication, can trigger panic attacks. Conversely, panic attacks can happen even in the absence of stimuli.
Attacks of panic can come on suddenly and last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours.

Excessive worries: excessive and ongoing worry and anxiety about everything, even common, everyday problems. The worry is out of proportion to the situation at hand, hard to manage, and physically taxing.

Ex. Out of proportionate concerns about the future, about going about your everyday business, such as finishing your work, or about planned gatherings or events fear of one’s family suffering a terrible fate.

Fearfulness: People who are anxious fear that they will have panic attacks or mistakenly believe that their symptoms are heart attacks. People who are anxious often worry that they have serious illnesses (cancer, heart attacks, etc.). They frequently go to the hospital for checkups even though all reports are normal.

 Nervousness / (social phobia): It is characterized by fear of being poorly perceived or assessed by others.

Physical signs: It’s critical to recognize the outward manifestations of anxiety disorders. because most people misinterpreted it and went for a check-up to the cardiologist or gastroenterology. Anxiety disorders can manifest as stomach problems, indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, many trips to the bathroom, “gabharaman” and “munjaro,” chest pain, and frequent urination.


The goal of GAD treatment is to enhance both mental and physical well-being and to encourage communication with the people, places, and situations that used to bother the patient.
There are numerous medication types that can be used to help reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders, depending on the sort of ailment you have.

The various kinds of drugs that are prescribed to treat anxiety include:

  • SSRIS, or selective serotonin receptor uptake inhibitors.

Tri-cyclic antidepressants for anxiety disorders.
Anxiety and panic disorders can also be treated with sedative/anxiolytic drugs. These medications support peaceful sleep and aid in mental calm.

Most anxiety symptoms go away in 10 to 15 days, but if medication is stopped too soon, the symptoms come back. Because of this, you should see your physician before quitting any medications (these medications must be used under a specialist’s supervision).

Psychotherapy / Counselling

Anxiety disorders are commonly treated with psychotherapy. The application of “talk therapy” by our mental health professionals significantly lessens anxiety symptoms and helps with panic attack management.

CBT stands for cognitive behaviour therapy.

Cognitive behaviour therapy is the psychotherapy modality that works the best.
CBT is one of the most popular treatments for problems related to anxiety.

It has been demonstrated that CBT, which focuses on present problems and situations, is beneficial for both adult and paediatric patients.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), frequently a short-term, structured treatment, focuses on the conscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that contribute to anxiety.

How To Control Your Anxiety?

While medication or psychotherapy is necessary for most individuals with anxiety disorders to alleviate their symptoms, an individual’s way of life can have a significant impact.

Work out

One of the best ways to reduce stress is to exercise.
It might improve your mood and keep you healthy.
Increase the amount and intensity of your workout gradually after starting out cautiously. begins with two walks of fifteen minutes each, one in the morning and one in the evening. Increase the intensity of your workout gradually to include outdoor sports, cycling, and the gym.


Regular yoga practise helps us live lives that are considerably less stressful and anxious.
It encourages keeping the body and mind healthy. Daily yoga practice is necessary to prevent recurrent panic and anxiety attacks.
By raising the brain’s oxygen content, doing Suryanamaskar for 30 minutes in the fresh air releases neurotransmitters like endorphin and serotonin, which help fight depression and anxiety.


There are numerous advantages to meditation. The ability to manage worry is among its most significant advantages. Additionally, it lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and improves the quality of sleep. Furthermore, meditation can strengthen immunity, give you more energy, and help you focus better.

Avoid alcohol and drugs

Anxiety may be exacerbated or caused by certain drugs. Drinking alcohol can make your anxiety symptoms worse every day.

Quit smoking

Caffeine and nicotine both exacerbate anxiety.
We can assist you in your deaddiction process if you are unable to quit on your own.

Sound sleep

Sleeping well for 7-8 hours is necessary for a healthy mind. If you’re not getting enough sleep, you could feel exhausted and anxious. Avoid using a laptop, phone, or television right before bed. Take a warm bath before going to bed.

Eat healthy

Eating a healthy diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seafood, and eggs may help reduce anxiety.

How We Can Help!

Thousands of patients with anxiety have already benefited from the skilled physicians at BRAINPLUS HOSPITAL, a neuro and mental health care center.

Additionally, we have a skilled staff of psychologists and counsellors that may offer beneficial counselling and advice on lifestyle modifications.

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